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Management Evaluation: Respond to this Survey

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1. Overall confidence in Management.
What are your concerns and how can Management improve?

2. Overall quality of submissions.
What changes would you like to see?

3. Preparedness of Management for meetings.
What would give you comfort?

4. Knowledge and Competence of Management.
What would give you comfort in this area?

5. Service to the Board and its Structures.
What is lacking?

6. Management Integrity.
What concerning traits have you witnessed?

7. Execution and Implementation of resolutions.
What assurance or reporting would provide comfort that resolutions are being implemented?

8. Strategic Thinking/Foresight.
What can be improved?

9. Efficiency of Management.
What improvements would you like to see?

10. Do you believe the current Management team can take this Company forward?
What improvement would you like to see in the Management team?

General Comments.